Established in 1808
Keene is a town in central Essex County, New York, United States. It includes the hamlets of Keene, Keene Valley, and St. Huberts, with a total population of 1,105 as of the 2010 census.
The town is part of the Adirondack Park, and includes 15 of the 46 High Peaks, including Mount Marcy, New York’s highest mountain, and the rest of the Great Range. It also includes the Ausable Lakes, the source of the Ausable River. Trailheads for many of the High Peaks are located within the town, along with the Johns Brook Lodge of the Adirondack Mountain Club.
Marcy Field Recreation Access
The new parking lot to access the oval is done! Also, the portion of the walking trail along the perimeter [...]
New Bridges on Old Mountain Road
Thanks to the Ausable River Association, Barkeater Trails Alliance, and Vinny McClelland for designing, building, and funding the replacement of [...]
Good news for Water District #1 Hamlet of Keene!
FEMA approved our appeal for the water main repair in WD#1 for the storm damage from the 2019 Halloween Storm. [...]
Town Meeting Information for November 2021
Town Board meetings will now be held Via ZOOM starting November: The 2nd Tuesday of the month 7:00 PM via [...]
Early Voting Locations
Early Voting Locations The Lake Placid Beach House 31 Parkside Dr Lake Placid NY North Hudson Town Offices, [...]
Rural Broadband Update
The areas shaded in the map are the ones submitted for Keene in the latest round of grants Essex [...]
Ten Years Later: Losses and Lessons of Irene
To mark the 10th Anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene, a group of Keene organizations sponsored an examination of the storm, [...]
Keene Public Library Presents “Making Music With RiverJack Z” on July 30th
Join us at 10am on Friday, July 30th at the Community Center Pavilion and have some fun “Making Music with [...]
Important information for travel this weekend…
The 21st annual IRONMAN Lake Placid triathlon will take place from 6:25 a.m. to midnight Sunday, July 25. The triathlon [...]