Bi-Monthly Town Board Meeting, 11/9/2021 (Video)
Please use the link to view the Town of Keene Board meeting held on 11/9/2021. Printed minutes of the meeting will be provided soon. Zoom Meeting Link Passcode: xzaD3++L
Public Hearing: MRTA Local Law Opt Out 11/8/2021 (Video)
Zoom meeting video from November 8, 2021, public hearing on the Town's decision to opt-out of cannabis dispensary and retail consumption site. Enter passcode to open video: 5q%S@yLt
LIFTED: Boil Water Order between Beede and Holt Roads
The boil water order has been lifted for homes in the section between Beede Road and Holt Road. Thank you for your patience!
Boil Water Order between Beede and Holt Roads
There is a water main repair underway in Keene Valley and it affects residents in the area between Beede Road and Holt Road only. Homes in the section between Beede Road and Holt Road will need to boil water until we complete the repair and then get positive lab results. This will probably continue through Monday afternoon and we will notify you as soon as the boil water order is lifted.
Election Results for Keene
Congratulations to the newly elected Town of Keene officers and thanks to all the candidates. Joe Pete Wilson, Supervisor Bob Biesemeyer, Town Council Teresa Cheetham-Palen, Town Council Scott Smith, Highway Superintendent Kimberly Smith, Town Clerk Town Justice; waiting for final results