Thunderstorms and High Winds across the State. Attached is information received from NYSEG: NYSEG ALERT Stay safe! Best regards, Kimberly Smith, Town Clerk
Town Board Workshop, 05/19/2022 at 9:00 a.m. Agenda attached
There is a scheduled Workshop Meeting being held by the Town Board on Thursday, May 19th at 9:00 a.m. This will be held outside at the Keene Community Center Pavilion. The topic of discussion will be Water Operations for Keene and Keene Valley Water Districts. Attached is the agenda. 05-19-2022 Workshop Agenda Best regards, Kimberly Smith Town Clerk
2022 Tentative Assessment Roll
The 2022 Tentative Assessment Roll is on file at the Town Clerk's Office and is available to be reviewed. Best regards, Kimberly Smith Town Clerk
Regular Town Board Meeting, 05/10/2022 Agenda and Minutes
Tuesday, May 10th Town Board Meeting 05-10-2022 Agenda 05-10-2022 Town Board Minutes MTG #10 Best regards, Kimberly Smith Town Clerk
Bi-Monthly Town Board Meeting, 4/26/2022
Town Board meeting was held on April 26, 2022 at 5:30 PM via Zoom. The meeting Video, Agenda and Minutes are below: Meeting Recording (video) Agenda (pdf) Meeting Minutes (pdf) Best regards, Kimberly Smith Town Clerk