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Latest News2021-06-10T14:48:56+00:00
602, 2023

NOTICE: Town of Keene Age-Friendly Action Plan

By |February 6th, 2023|Categories: Updates|

Keene’s age-friendly initiative is an outgrowth of the Town’s 2021 Master Plan process, which itself was largely conducted by volunteers and a few elected and appointed Town officials. The Master Plan was organized around the work of five workgroups, one of which focused on Seniors and Health Care. We started our initiative with the premise that Keene already is age-friendly – a great natural environment, lots of civic engagement, convenient [...]

401, 2023

A Message from Keene’s New Town Historian, Tony Goodwin

By |January 4th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

I am pleased to again be asked to serve as Town Historian. I served in that capacity 30 years ago when I filled (or tried to fill) the shoes of the long-serving Anita Washburn. She had been an excellent resource as I worked on research for the Keene Valley Library publication, Keene and Keene Valley -Two Hamlets in History. (Copies still available for sale at the Keene Valley Library.) At [...]

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