
NOTICE: Town of Keene Age-Friendly Action Plan


Keene’s age-friendly initiative is an outgrowth of the Town’s 2021 Master Plan process, which itself was largely conducted by volunteers and a few elected and appointed Town officials. The Master Plan was organized around the work of five workgroups, one of which focused on Seniors and Health Care. We started our initiative with the premise that Keene already is age-friendly – a great natural environment, lots of civic engagement, convenient access to a wide variety of health and wellness services that is highly unusual for such a rural area, convenient access to fresh food that is also highly unusual for a [...]

NOTICE: Town of Keene Age-Friendly Action Plan2023-02-06T14:21:07+00:00

Keene Awarded Grant to Purchase Wheelchair-Accessible Picnic Tables


The Keene Age-Friendly Task Force is pleased to announce that the Cloudsplitter Foundation has awarded the Town $1,000 to use toward the purchase of wheelchair-accessible picnic tables for several public spaces in Town.  We hope to raise at least $600 more to finalize the purchase from Essex Industries in Mineville, which employs individuals with intellectual disabilities in fine woodcrafting. The tables have an open space in the seating bench where a wheelchair – or a baby stroller – can pull in. The initiative stems from Keene’s membership, announced last summer, in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.  Keene is the first [...]

Keene Awarded Grant to Purchase Wheelchair-Accessible Picnic Tables2023-01-04T14:56:03+00:00
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