
A Message from Keene’s New Town Historian, Tony Goodwin


I am pleased to again be asked to serve as Town Historian. I served in that capacity 30 years ago when I filled (or tried to fill) the shoes of the long-serving Anita Washburn. She had been an excellent resource as I worked on research for the Keene Valley Library publication, Keene and Keene Valley -Two Hamlets in History. (Copies still available for sale at the Keene Valley Library.) At the moment, all of the archives that had been housed in the fireproof room at the Keene Public Library are stored in the Keene Valley Library Archives Room. One of my [...]

A Message from Keene’s New Town Historian, Tony Goodwin2023-01-04T16:17:28+00:00

Holiday Lighting Contest Winners!


Thanks to everyone who participated and brought the holiday cheer, and special thanks to the organizers and judges Linda Deyo, Molly Lawrence, Alan Carey, and Yvette Tillema. The business winners for the lighting contest were the Mountaineer and East branch Organics. The residential winners were Gavin and Janette Isham, Peter and Marilyn Murphy, John and Becky Odell, and Matthew and Amanda Blacksmith.

Holiday Lighting Contest Winners!2021-12-18T13:33:38+00:00
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