
About Anna Whitney

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So far Anna Whitney has created 189 blog entries.

Important Dates October 17th through October 20th, 2023


From October 17th, 2023 through October 20th, 2023 our Water Superintendent will be attending schooling for her Distribution License and will not be available during the week for non-emergency purposes. Please plan accordingly for end of season water turn offs.

Important Dates October 17th through October 20th, 20232023-08-29T22:21:18+00:00

Water Testing Update


  At this time the Town of Keene will no longer be using Life Science Laboratories four testing purposes, which results in the Town Hall no longer being a drop off location for Life Science Laboratories. The Town of Keene will now be using Endyne Laboratories for all further testing. Endyne Laboratories will pick up testing samples in the first Tuesday of every month at the Town Hall. If you wish to have your samples picked up by Endyne you will need to notify the Water Superintendent and have your samples to the town hall no later than 830am on the [...]

Water Testing Update2023-08-29T22:16:23+00:00



CHANGES FOR THIS SATURDAY  AUGUST 12TH The hours of the Transfer Station will be 8:30 to 12:30, sorry for any inconvenience.

ATTENTION ATTENTION2023-08-10T12:04:50+00:00
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