As part of the Town’s Strategic Plan, AARP has designated Keene an Age-Friendly Community, which recognizes the Town’s intent to make Keene a good place to live now and into the future. To help guide future actions and recommendations, the Town’s Age-Friendly Task Force (AFTF) is seeking input from full-time and seasonal residents of all ages about what local assets, programs, and services you most value and what you anticipate needing as you get older. Your views are important and we greatly appreciate your participation in this survey.

Click here to take the survey

Please note: We are not asking for your name; all responses will be collated and reported to Town officials and the community; it takes about 5-8 minutes to complete, and there is a box at the end where you can add comments and concerns. Paper copies of the survey are available to pick up and drop off at the Keene Valley Library; the Keene Valley Congregational Church also has paper copies.

The AFTF members are Jeannie Cross, Teresa Cheetham-Palen, Monique Weston Clague, Suzi Doolittle, Milton Dudley, Melissa Eisinger, Dennis Gallagher, Carolyn Petersen, Barbara Strowger, and Peg Wilson.
