2024 Garden/Johns Brook Valley Hiker Shuttle Schedule

The Hiker Shuttle from Marcy Field to the Garden will begin operation on July 6th, 2024 and operate on Saturdays & Sundays through Columbus Day weekend. The shuttle provides access to the Garden trailhead when the Garden parking lot is full. The cost is $10 for a round trip ticket and the shuttle runs continuously from 7 am until 7 pm. Cash only for tickets please.

Hikers can park at Marcy Field and ride the shuttle to the Garden trailhead on weekends.  The cost is $10 round-trip per person ($13 Canadian).  The shuttle runs from 7 am until 7 pm Saturday & Sunday. The fee we collect goes to paying for road and parking lot maintenance, porta-potties, and staff to run everything.


Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed

Saturday:  7 AM – 7 PM

Sunday: 7 AM – 7 PM

The shuttle operates from the Southwest corner of Marcy Field on Airport Road. On Google maps: Marcy Field Trailhead

A fee of $10.00 American (Canadian @ $13.00) will be charged per person for a round trip.  The fees pay for Front Country Stewards, maintenance, winter snowplowing, and portable toilets.

Thank you for your continued support in this project.  We hope that reasonable management will ensure continued access to the High Peaks Wilderness.

The Garden Parking Lot in Keene Valley is open. Parking is $10/day and there is a self-service payment system.   

When the Garden is full, please park in the Rooster Comb parking lot.  Please do not park on narrow streets or block access to homes.

Le parking Jardin de la Vallée de Keene est ouvert.

Le stationnement coûte 10 USD par jour et il existe un système de paiement en libre service.

Lorsque le jardin est plein, veuillez vous garer sur le parking du Rooster Comb ou à l’école de Market Street. Ne vous garez pas dans les rues étroites et ne bloquez pas l’accès aux maisons.